Your Kingdom Come – Pt. 73

Jun 16, 2024    Pastor Jerry Elvis

Praise is the currency of the Kingdom.

Our praise moves the hand and heart of God.

Praise that is of no cost to you is of no value to God.

Seven Major Hebrew Words for Praise:

1. Hallel - shine, make a show, boast, clamorously foolish, to rain, to celebrate, boast, make foolish, fein or make mad

2. Yadah - Comes from two root compound words: Yad - open hands; open hands posture, direction, power; Ah - a derivative from God's Name Jehovah; Yada praise is responding to God with uplifted or out stretched hands. (Absolute surrender)

3. Todah (Towdah) an extension of the hands in adoration; sometimes rendered as thanksgiving; admit or acknowledge as real or true. 

4. Barak - bless; a physical act of adoration; submissive praise and blessing, a physical bowing before God; an attitude or posture 

5. Shabach

6. Zamar 

7. Tahillah