Your Kingdom Come – Pt. 70

May 12, 2024    Pastor Jerry Elvis

There are seven major Hebrew words for praise. They all speak of action and behavior:

1. Hallel

2. Yadah

3. Todah (Towdah)

4. Barak

5. Shabach

6. Zamar 

7. Tahillah

Today we will focus on Hallel.

Hallel - shine, make a show, boast, to rain, clamorously foolish, to celebrate, make foolish, make mad

We must consistently and constantly all through the day give God praise - uninhibited praise.

Praise confuses the enemy.

Praise positions us.

We are to live and abide in the glory of God. How? By building an atmosphere God wants to hangout in. Praise.

Praise moves God.

When you don't know what to do know where to go.

The enemy doesn't want to hang out in the atmosphere of praise.

Praise is the currency of the Kingdom and it moves God.

You can't buy God. It's about activating the principles God has put in place.