Your Kingdom Come – Pt. 71

May 26, 2024    Pastor Jerry Elvis

Seven Major Hebrew Words for Praise:

1. Hallel - shine, make a show, boast, clamorously foolish, to rain, to celebrate, boast, make foolish, feign or make mad

2. Yadah - Comes from two root compound words: Yad - open hands; open hands posture, direction, power; Ah - a derivative from God's Name Jehovah; Yada praise is responding to God with uplifted or outstretched hands.

3. Todah (Towdah)

4. Barak

5. Shabach

6. Zamar 

7. Tahillah

Praise is the currency of the Kingdom.

Praise is something that we weren't given. It originates within us. It's something we give God.

Everyone is given a measure of faith.

Praise comes from within you. It's a decision, a choice that you make. You have the ability to give it or to withhold it. So, it's the currency of the Kingdom that we use to invest in the things of God.

Praise is a weapon, and we need to understand how to effectively wield it and how to exchange it for the goods or services of the Kingdom to cause a reaction to come supernaturally into the natural realm.

Yadah praise appears 111 times in Scripture. It's hands to God, its most simple meaning.

Comes from two root words:

Yad - open hands; an open hands posture, direction, power

Ah - a derivative from God's Name Jehovah

Yada praise is responding to God with uplifted or outstretched hands